

电视游戏2024-04-19 阅读()
电视游戏是一种用来娱乐的交互式多媒体。通常是指使用电视屏幕为显示器,在“电视游乐器”上执行家用机的游戏,与电脑游戏(PC Game)都属电子游戏的一种。在日本,电视游戏比电脑游戏更为普遍,由于价格较便宜、游戏软件种类多、设计也较亲切、容易上手。大多数人认为,电视游戏比电脑游戏更有可玩性。







    Chief Inspector


    Complete 100% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races. 完成游戏中所有的任 务、案  件、救援、工作、比赛




    Complete 50% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races.

    完成游戏中50%的任务、案   件、救援、工作、比赛




    Complete 25% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races. 完成游戏中25%的任务、案   件、救援、工作、比赛




    Complete 10% of all missions, cases, favors, events, jobs and races. 完成游戏中10%的任务、案   件、救援、工作、比赛


    ure Gold


    Achieve 30 Gold Stat Awards. 获得30金的任务奖励


    Golden Touch


    Achieve 15 Gold Stat Awards.



    Gold Rush


    Achieve 5 Gold Stat Awards. 获得5金的任务奖励


    trike Gold


    Achieve 1 Gold Stat Award. 获得1金的任务奖励


    olid Silver


    Achieve 30 Silver Stat Awards. 获得30银的任务奖励


    ubstantial Silver


    Achieve 15 Silver Stat Awards. 获得15银的任务奖励


    light Silver


    Achieve 5 Silver Stat Awards. 获得5银的任务奖励


    Auto Enthusiast


    urchase all vehicles. 入手所有种类的车


    iritual Healing


    ray at all of the Health Shrines. 在所有的救 护 教 堂 祈 祷


    Fashion Victim


    urchase all clothing. 所有衣服都买个遍


    Hong Kong Super Hacker


    Hack every Security Camera in the game. 打 坏 游戏中所有的监 控 摄 像 头


    Karaoke Superstar


    Achieving 90% and above for all songs at the Karaoke Bars in HK. 在香港的KTV内唱过90%以上的歌


    ounty Hunter


    Complete all of Roland's Jobs. 完成所有的Roland布置的工作


    West End Scavenger


    Unlock every lockbox in Kennedy Town and Aberdeen. 打开Kennedy镇和Aberdeen里的所有上锁的箱子


    Central Scavenger


    Unlock every lockbox in Central. 打开Central的所有上锁的箱子


    orth Point Scavenger


    Unlock every lockbox in North Point. 打开Nroth Point的所有上锁的箱子


    uper Cop


    Unlock ten C op Upgrades. 解锁十个C op Upgrade


    Ultimate Fighter


    Unlock ten Triad Upgrades. 解锁十个Triad Upgrade


    Wei of the Road


    Complete all Street Races. 完成所有 街 头 竞 赛


    Event Planner


    Complete all of the open world Events. 完成所有世界公开赛的项目


    Event Driven


    Complete half of the open world events. 完成一半的世界公开赛的项目


    Mr. Nice Guy


    Complete all Favors. 完成所有 救 援 任务


    Case Closed


    Complete all cases. 完成所有 案 件




    hoot out a c op's tires while fleeing in a police chase. 在躲避 警 察 追 捕 的过程中打 爆 警 察 的轮胎




    Hijack 5 trucks and collect their cargo. 劫 走 5辆货车的货物




    Win 50,000 on a single c o c k fight. 斗 鸡比赛中赢得50000块




    Win a bet on a c o c k fight. 斗 鸡比赛打堵获胜


    Whatever's Handy


    Use 10 different melee weapons to defeat enemies. 使用10中肉 搏 武 器对抗敌人


    Gun Nut


    Use 10 different firearms to defeat enemies. 使用十种 枪 械 对抗敌人


    afe Driver


    Cruise for 2 minutes straight without damaging your car. 直行2分钟没撞 车




    ick a lock, plant a bug, trace a phone, crack a safe, and take over a spy camera. 撬 锁,传 播 电 脑 病 毒,窃 听 电话,炸 开 保 险 箱 并安装一个监 视 器




    erform 5 unique environmental kills. 完成5起由环境引起的死 亡事件




    Try 10 different foods or drinks. 尝试十种不同的食物和饮料


    Man Around Town


    Visit Aberdeen, Central, Kennedy Town and North Point. 去过Aberdeen Central Kennedy Town和North Point


    Take A Bite Out Of Crime


    Complete a Case. 搞定一个案 件


    A Slap in the Face


    Kill someone with a fish. 杀 死 一个拿着鱼的人




    uccessfully perform an action hijack. 成功完成一次劫 持 案 件


    Fashion Statement


    Change all your clothes in your wardrobe or a clothing store. 在衣柜或者服装店换件衣服


    Great Face


    Achieve Face Level 10. Face达到10级


    Gaining Face


    Achieve Face Level 5. Face达到5级


    Minor Face


    Achieve Face Level 2. Face达到2级



    ecret Achievement

       Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement. 在游戏中慢慢摸索吧


